Home About us Who we are Advisory Governance Framework Body The VicHealth Advisory Framework was refreshed in 2021. As a result, VicHealth has an updated framework. The governance principles outlined in the framework provide VicHealth stakeholders and the community with confidence that the decision-making processes with regards to the provision of programs, research and grants is efficient, financially responsible and are meeting the objectives, policies and strategic plans of VicHealth. The advisory governance framework will comprise 6 distinct groups, which advise and make recommendations to VicHealth management. These groups will be established as required to examine specific health promotion and prevention issues. These are: Expert Panels Expert Panels provide diverse perspectives, with technical or lived experience experts in relevant areas. Taskforces Taskforces provide operational advice and implementation input advice to VicHealth on VicHealth’s strategic imperatives and other key strategic priorities. Leaders’ Forum The Leaders’ Forum provides a leadership role across health promotion-related matters in Victoria, to advise VicHealth and support the health promotion work of their own organisations. Public Health Leadership Groups A Public Health Leadership Group will comprise policy makers, experts and public health leaders to provide thought leadership and policy coordination for specific public health priority issues. Roundtables A VicHealth Roundtable is a meeting on a priority issue to commence a conversation or discuss ideas for future strategies and action. Assessment Panels Assessment Panels guide funding/grant decisions and/or procurement proposals. They exist to provide a more operational perspective to assist in guiding the organisation in its expenditure of public funds.