Home News & Publications Media releases Share Share Share Copy Link Copy Link Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Email Diabetes Inquiry shows the need to strengthen food policy to protect young people Inquiry calls for urgent protections Media Release 4 Jul 2024 Media Release 2 min read Scroll down Title VicHealth welcomes the strong policy calls outlined in the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes to protect kids from unhealthy food marketing and create a healthier food system. Body We back in the Inquiry’s recommendations to the Australian Government, including:Protecting children from unhealthy food marketing on television, radio, gaming and onlineEnsuring Australia is food secure by providing equitable access to foodIncreasing physical activity through more inclusive and accessible neighbourhoods in local communitiesVicHealth CEO Dr Sandro Demaio said the recommendations highlight the need to embed stronger regulations on food policy to combat companies exploiting children through harmful marketing and misleading packaging.“All parents want their kids to grow up happy and healthy. It’s important that we live in an environment supporting people to eat healthy.“But we know marketing for unhealthy food is reaching kids at a very young age. Many food companies deliberately target kids with their advertising because they know it creates pester power and creates consumers for life.“We need to hold processed food companies to account by ensuring honest and transparent front-of-packet labelling and restrict deceptive and persistent unhealthy food marketing so it’s easier for families to choose healthy foods.“These recommendations highlight the need to embed stronger regulation on food policy,” Dr Demaio said.VicHealth also backs calls in the reports from health experts for a mandatory Health Star Rating system, allowing families to easily compare products and choose healthier food at the supermarket.Requiring a Health Star Rating on packaged foods and beverages will help Australians in selecting healthier options. The existing voluntary system is not universally adopted across all products, leading to inconsistent health information for shoppers in supermarkets.Currently, only 1 in 3 products carry a Health Star Rating. This is far below the 6 in 10 target set for 2024 by the Health Star Rating system.“Reading food labels and ingredients lists is really difficult – you almost need a science degree to be able to understand what’s in some food products,” Dr Demaio said.“A mandatory Health Star rating system would allow families to quickly and easily choose healthy foods. Not all marketing claims that are displayed on the front of food packaging are regulated, so it can be hard to know what’s advertising spin and what’s fact.”To read all the Diabetes Inquiry recommendations, visit the Parliament of Australia website. Title Media Contact: Body James Lindseyp: 0400 714 187e: [email protected] Back Share Share Share Copy Link Copy Link Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Email