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FAQ for Local Government Partnership

  • What is a fast track council and how do we become one?

    Fast-track councils are committed to making changes with and for local young people in a big way. In 2020, 16 councils joined VicHealth as the first fast-track councils. This initial intake prioritised councils with greater social disadvantage in their community and as such have been provided with extra support.

    VicHealth has since periodically opened Expressions of Interests to join the VicHealth Local Government Partnership as a fast-track council.  Successful councils will form a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with VicHealth. In October 2022, we will open a new intake round. For more information, visit our webpage.

    Successful councils will become fast-track councils who:

    • are committed to completing all impact streams within one or more core or stretch modules
    • can demonstrate how the modules will help achieve their goals for children and young people through their Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans 2021-25

    Fast-track councils have access to our implementation support package which includes access to communities of practice, funding opportunities and capability and capacity building training.

  • I work at a Victorian council - how can I get involved?

    If your council is a fast-track partner in the VicHealth Local Government Partnership (see the full list here contact your council team responsible for the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan to find out how the VicHealth Local Government Partnership is being delivered.  

    Councils who are not fast-track partners can register here to access the Foundation, Core and Stretch modules.  

    The health promotion modules provide recommended actions which can be implemented under Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans and other plans to improve health in your community.  

    Communities of Practice are available to support councils who are committed to achieving the minimum deliverables in all impact streams of a module.  

    Contact the team on [email protected] to find out more. 


  • What is the implementation support for councils?

    Fast-track councils will gain access to the implementation support package which includes:

    • Implementation funding opportunities through exclusive eligibility to apply for annual funding pool(s) to put the actions from the modules into practice, as well as opportunities to fund ideas driven by the community.
    • Community of Practice to collaborate and share knowledge across Victorian councils and hear from expert partners on the module topics that councils find important.
    • Capability and capacity building training, including for data, monitoring, evaluation, and health promotion leadership.
  • How do I use the health promotion modules?

    Each module consists of:  

    • Impact streams – These represent areas where councils are ideally placed to make changes that will have an impact on the health of your local community.   
    • Minimum deliverables – These outline what you need to do to show you have completed the module. All councils will work toward the same minimum deliverables, regardless of which implementation action they choose. 
    • Implementation actions – These are designed to offer options – ‘the quick win, the step up and the ambitious one’ to suit the different needs and starting points of fast-track councils. These are evidence informed, best buy policy and practice changes for Councils to implement that meet the minimum deliverables of an impact stream. 
    • How-to guides – These outline the recommended process, but may also include considerations for adapting, expanding or embedding these actions to suit your local community.  

    Implementation action categories  

    • The quick win – These actions can generally be achieved in a shorter time frame (around 12 months) and require fewer resources. Quick wins are ideal for councils undertaking work in this topic for the first time and looking for high-impact activities that contribute to raising the profile of this work among the community and local stakeholders.  
    • The step up – These actions generally require more time, resourcing and strategic planning compared to the quick win. Step up activities suit councils looking to consolidate existing local interest or previous activities undertaken to address a health topic.  
    • The ambitious one – These actions are generally more ambitious long-term projects that can be delivered over a year or number of years. They need significant resourcing, and collaboration with key internal and external stakeholders. Ambitious actions benefit councils ready to make a big impact on a health topic and fully embed this work in strategic planning processes.   

    How to choose which implementation actions are right for your council 

    You should review the range of recommended implementation actions and identify one action per impact stream to complete within the life of the four-year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan. The identified implementation actions should be incorporated into the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan annual action plans, or other relevant council action plans. 

    VicHealth recommends councils wait until at least 12 months after completing implementation actions before extending on the actions into other implementation categories. For example, if a council does a ‘step-up’ and it is successful, councils are encouraged to consider completing the ‘ambitious’ implementation action as well.

    How to complete the implementation actions 

    Ambitious actions might need more preparation, requiring councils to map out how they will work through the steps of the how-to guide and could be spread through successive annual action plans. Quick win or step up actions can be scheduled strategically so that councils can capitalise on momentum or interest gained in the topic.   

    For some actions, the ambitious one requires or would be strengthened if components of a quick win or step up actions were already in place.   

    Some examples of implementation types 

    Recommended implementation actions are informed by evidence about the types of action that can improve community health and wellbeing when delivered at the local government level.   

    Implementation action types may be:   

    • Audit or self-assessment of existing activity   
    • Delivery of campaigns, events, promotions or communication exercises   
    • Delivery of programs and projects  
    • Development of policy or strategy  
    • Changes to or within the physical or built environment 
    • How do I involve people throughout the action process? 
  • What do the modules mean by children and young people?

    Generally, within the modules: 

    • Children refers to people aged 0-11 years old 
    • Young people refers to people aged 12-25 years old 

    There are some instances where a specific age group is identified – this is usually because the implementation action is better suited to a particular age group e.g. pre-school, school-aged or young adults.   

    You may need to adapt recommended steps and actions to suit the needs and priorities of different age groups of children and young people. Further recommended resources, program and campaigns are also provided to assist you with tailoring to specific age cohorts. 

  • Is VicHealth still delivering Walk to School?

    Resources and campaign materials will continue to be promoted and available on the Walk to School webpage. VicHealth intends to promote Walk to School throughout the year.Spring time will always be a great time to Walk to School, so we’ll spotlight this message during October (and you can, too!).

    All councils and Victorian schools are encouraged to use the resources and energy created by the Walk to School campaign period to celebrate walking, riding, scooting and skating along with us.

    Previously, dedicated funding was offered to councils to promote Walk to School locally. Councils will need to be a fast-track council to apply for implementation funding to integrate Walk to School projects within council and apply through the module implementation funding rounds in accordance with those funding guidelines.

  • Is there a connection between VLGP and Future Healthy?

    Future Healthy is an investment of $45 million over 3 years, focusing on young people across Victoria aged 0-25 years. The vision of Future Healthy is of a Victoria where no young person is denied a future that is healthy. Future Heathy is inspired by, shaped by and shared by the people of Victoria – we're listening to and working with people who come up against more barriers to good health. VicHealth is committed to investing in locally led solutions right across the state, and elevating the voices of young Victorians to inspire these investments. 

    Launched in April 2021, The VicHealth Local Government Partnership: Young people leading healthier communities aims to build partnerships with local councils to set our kids up for their best possible future by creating communities where children and young people grow up active, socially connected and healthy.  

    Both programs seek to amplify the voice of children and young people and are prioritising investments that support healthy food environments, build social connection and create active neighbourhoods. 

    There will be a number of funding opportunities that arise from Future Healthy, including grants, that may be of interest to councils. These opportunities will help councils in the delivery of council priorities outside the VicHealth Local Government Partnership health promotion modules. To stay updated on the Future Healthy initiative, register for email updates here.  

    Future Healthy will also include VicHealth-led major programs of work beyond the scope of the VicHealth Local Government Partnership that will move the dial in supporting healthy food environments, building social connection and creating active neighbourhoods. These initiatives may include opportunities for councils to be involved, but delivery will sit with VicHealth and its partners. 

    While the VicHealth Local Government Partnership is a targeted program for local governments, the work of Future Healthy will not be restricted to local governments. Future Healthy will seek to work with community organisations, non-government organisations, the youth sector, the arts sector, the sports and active recreation sector, social enterprises and more.  

  • I work in an organisation that partners with a Victorian council – how can I get involved? 

    The VicHealth Local Government Partnership and resources have been designed with the functions and remit of local government at heart. However, we know that community partnerships are critical to creating healthy communities for Victorian kids to grow.

    Community organisations should seek to work in partnership with council to get the greatest value from the module resources available through the Partnership. VicHealth also delivers programs, resources and funding to non-council partners through grant rounds, research, capacity building and Future Healthy investments to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians. 

    Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

  • I’m a community member – can I get involved through my local council? 

    If your council is a fast-track council in the VicHealth Local Government Partnership (see the full list here), contact your council team responsible for the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan to find out how the VicHealth Local Government Partnership is being delivered. The VicHealth Local Government Partnership encourages councils to work closely with the local community, particularly children and young people, to create solutions for healthier communities.  

    Councils who are not active in the VicHealth Local Government Partnership may still be seeking the involvement of community members in the wide range of health and wellbeing projects they are delivering. Check your local council website or contact the team that oversees community health and wellbeing to ask how you can get involved.  

Artwork by Dexx (Gunditjmara/Boon Wurrung) ‘Mobs Coming Together’ 2022
VicHealth acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land. We pay our respects to all Elders past, present and future.
This website may contain images, names and voices of deceased people.

VicHealth acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.

Artwork Credit: Dexx (Gunditjmara/Boon Wurrung) ‘Mobs Coming Together’ 2022, acrylic on canvas. Learn more about this artwork.