Home Our Health Share Share Share Copy Link Copy Link Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Email Preventing tobacco use Scroll down Tobacco smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in Victoria. It costs 4000 lives and $5 billion each and every year. ' Body World-leading innovation – led by VicHealth in partnership with Quit Victoria, the Department of Health and others – has halved the rate of Victorians who smoke regularly to an all-time low. VicHealth was established in 1987 with a tax on tobacco, pledged as part of the Victorian Tobacco Act of that year. Since then, we have been a leading light in the fight for a healthier, smoke-free Victoria. Preventing tobacco use was one of the five strategic imperatives identified for action to improve the health of all Victorians. A 10-year goal was set that 400,000 more Victorians would be tobacco-free by 2023. Preventing uptake, promoting and supporting cessation, and reducing people's exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke are the key pillars to reducing harm from tobacco in Victoria. Adult smoking rates The most recent data (2018) shows that 10.7% of Victorian adults regularly smoke, down from 13.5% in 2015. Despite the achievements in reducing overall smoking prevalence in the general Victorian population, smoking rates are higher among the most socially and economically disadvantaged groups. As such, a key focus of our current investment in Quit Victoria is to engage with partners to increase the reach and impact of smoking cessation within high smoking rate populations. Title Tobacco strategy Body VicHealth's Action Agenda 2019-2023 reaffairms the goal that 400,000 more Victorians will be tobacco free by 2023. Media Australia once again a world leader in tobacco control Media release 2 min read 30 Nov 2022 Media Release Smokers remain in the dark about tobacco industry Media release 3 min read 28 Nov 2014 Partner release